Yasaman Asgari
Ph.D. student@UZH, Zurich, Switzerland
Hi! I’m Yasaman (Yas) Asgari! A P.h.D student at the University of Zurich (UZH), Zurich, Switzerland. I am interested in the theoretical and applied aspects of complex networks.
My research interests are around temporal networks and include dynamic community detection, and modeling.
For a full CV, please refer to it here! (Last update Jan 2025)
Sep 2023-Present. Ph.D. in Data Science at the University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Excellence Minor: Digital Society initiatives
Supervisor: Alexandre Bovet2022-2023. M.Sc. in Computer science at Ecole Normale Superieur, Lyon, France.
Excellence Minor: Complex systems
Thesis Title: Defining an evaluation setting for community detection in dynamic graphs
Supervisor: Pierre Borgnat, Remy Cazabet2018-2022. B.SC in Computer Science at the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Research experience
Dynamic community detection in temporal networks (Feb-July 2023): Master thesis project
Affiliation: IXXI lab at Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Liris lab at Universite de Lyon 1.
Project: Defining an evaluation setting for community detection in dynamic graphs
Supervisors: Pierre Borgnat ,Remy Cazabet
Article1 : Mosaic benchmark networks: Modular link streams for testing dynamic community detection algorithms
Presented in: Data + NetSci workshop(Switzerland chapter), CNA2023
Paper: Paper got accepted to CNA2023, Menton, France
Python Library: Mosaic-Benchmark
Article 2: Longitudinal Modularity: a Modularity for Link Streams
Team: Victor Brabant, Pierre Borgnat, Angela Bonifati, Rémy Cazabet
Presented in: Netsci2024 (Poster)
Science of science (Aug 2022-Now):
Project: Global Disparities in research contributing to SDGs: attention, funding, and Leadership
Team: Hongyu Zhou, Özgür Kadir Özer, Juven Nino Villacastin, Mimi Byun, Mary Ellen Sloane, Rezvaneh Rezapour
Presented in: ICSSI 2023(Talk)
Project: Did the Arab Spring Affect Research Power Dynamics?
Team: Hongyu Zhou, Özgür Kadir Özer, Juven Nino Villacastin, Mimi Byun, Mary Ellen Sloane, Rezvaneh Rezapour and Alexandre Bovet
Presented in: Netsci-X 2024(Talk), CCS2024 (Talk)
Temporal networks (Feb-Aug2022):
Project: The impact of infrastructural change on social connectivity
Team: Jacques Bara, Paul Bouman, Eszter Bokanyi, Giulio Burgio, Franziska Franeck, Matteo Mazzamurro and Liubov Tupikina
Presented in: CCS2022 (Poster), IC2S2-2022(Poster)Computational social science (April-Oct 2021): Bachelor's internship
Project: Dynamic communities and engagement in public debate about COVID-19 on the German Twittersphere
Team: Armin Pournaki, Eckehard Olbrich and Felix Gaisbauer
Presented in: CCS2021(Talk)Agent-Based Modeling(Feb-May 2021): SAMSI Program at Duke University
Project: Applications of Agent-based models using statistical approaches
Team: David Banks, Chris Krapu, Graden Froese, Greta Monacelli, Fanqi Zeng, Victoria Money, Bruce Rogers, Keru Wu
Teaching experience
Teaching assistant: (Sep 2023- now) University of Zurich
Fall 2023 Complex networks and applications
Winter/Spring 2024 Introduction to Statistics (link to files)
Programming Private tutor: Sep 2020- Sep 2023
Classes: Machine learning, Computer vision, Deep learning, Basic and advanced programming in Python,Algorithms, Data structure
Contribution: >700 hours for 47 students from ages 7 to 58
Teaching assistant: (Jan 2020- Jul 2022) Sharif University of Technology
Fall 2021 Statistics and Applications, Dr. Alireza Bahrain
Fall 2021 Computer Systems Principles, Dr. Laleh Arshadi
Winter 2021 Computer Networking, Dr. Laleh Arshadi
Winter 2021 Modeling of Spreading Phenomena, Dr. Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad
Fall 2020 Computer Systems Principles, Dr. Laleh Arshadi
Winter 2020 Advanced Programming, Dr. Hossein Boomeri, and Dr. Saman Ostovari
Media Coverage
June 2021 ”Rumor Detection and Prevention” project for Neglected Tropical Diseases - Hackathon is covered
by the National Public Radio located in Washington, DC.
Methods: Sentimental analysis, Network analysis, Mathematical modeling, Board game design
Goal: Identification of rumor regions, Finding influential individuals within the communities
Team : Sina Sajjadi, Saeed Hedayatian, Alireza Hashemi.